The planning works like a calendar. You can use it to plan your programs and playlists. Put simply, it's an efficient way to organize your broadcasts.
1) Head over to Scheduling > Planning
2) Click on "Add a time slot" to add a new program or playlist
Or drag and drop your program or playlist directly into your schedule, using the button on the right.
• Date: choose the start date of your content.
• Start: choose the start time for your content.
• End: choose the end time for your content.
• Type: you can choose whether your content will broadcast sequentially (in order) or randomly.
• Play at fixed time: if you want to make sure that your content is broadcast at a fixed time and does not wait for the end of another content, you can activate this button.
• Tolerance: when Play at fixed time is activated, you will be able to select a maximum delay tolerance (choose 0, to play at fixed time).
• Every day: select this option if you want to broadcast your content every day. You will be able to choose an end date to the repetition or to stop broadcasting it after a certain number of repititions.
• Every week: select this option if you want your content to broadcast every week.
• Every 2 weeks: select this option if you want your content to broadcast every 2 weeks.
Incrustations allow you to incrust an element every x minutes within a time slot, however, for more precision in your broadcast, you are advised to use Breaks or the Planning. We invite you to leave None if you do not want to include an incrustation.
• Track: choose the title from your Library that will be incrusted in your slot. You can also choose its repetition.
• Playlist: Choose the number of titles in a selected playlist. You can also choose its repetition.
Don't forget to regenerate your day each time you modify your planning thanks to the Daily Generation tab.