Now that you've launched your radio station and you're starting to get a loyal audience, why not take advantage of this opportunity to broadcast adverts and make your investment pay off? Maybe it's time to find partners and plan their advertising!
There are several ways to schedule an advert, depending on your broadcast and the wishes of your partner. Thanks to our practical case below, you will have all the key information to easily schedule your adverts!
Broadcast an advertising slot at fixed times
Broadcast several different advertising slots in one day
Broadcast an advert before and/or after a program
We're going to show you how to run a slot of ads at a fixed time. Let's take an example where we want to run a slot of 3 ads every 5 hours, every day for a week, starting at 6am.
If you want to broadcast a slot of adverts at a specific time, you'll need to:
1) Upload your adverts to your Media Library > Advert Tray
2) Add them to a manual playlist. Here, we've named our playlist "Ad slot"
3) Head over to Scheduling > Breaks and click on Add a break. A window will appear, here you will discover various options to best set up your break.
4) Click on the Playlist tab, then Sequential. Here, we've chosen 1 song from the Advert Range playlist, which you can adapt according to the number of adverts you wish to play.
5) Choose a start date, then a running time. Here, we want our ad slot to start at 6 a.m.
6) Click on Repetition and choose the days on which your ads will run. Here, we want the ads to run every day for a week.
7) Click on Broadcast days if you want your ad range to run several times during the day. Here, we want them to run every 5 hours.
8) Click on Save. You should now see four interrupts:
9) Head over to Scheduling > Daily Generation and regenerate the days that have already been generated. You'll see that the first ad slot was generated at 6am, the second at 11am and so on.
To show you how to broadcast several advertising slots at a fixed time in a day, we will take the example where we want to run an advert every 8 hours, every day for a week, starting at 10am. These two ad slots should not contain the same ads.
If you want to broadcast different ad slots in a day, you'll need to:
1) Upload your adverts to your Media Library > Advert Tray
2) Add them to a manual playlist. Here, we've named our playlist "Ad slot"
3) Head over to Scheduling > Breaks and click on Add a break
4) Click on the Playlist tab, then Sequential. Here, we've chosen 2 tracks from the Advert Range playlist, as we want to play 2 adverts per range. It's up to you to adapt this to the number of adverts you want to play per range.
5) Choose a start date and then a running time. Here, we want the first ad slot to start at 10 a.m.
6) Go to the Broadcast days tab and choose the days on which your ads will run. Here, we want the ads to run every day for six days.
7) Activate the Repeat during the day option so that your ad slot broadcasts throughout the day. Here, we want a different ad slot to broadcast every 8 hours (480 minutes).
8) Click on Save
9) Head over to Scheduling > Daily Generation and regenerate the days that have already been generated. Here, you'll see that we have the first 2 adverts of our "Ad slot" playlist at 10AM and the last 2 adverts from this playlist at 6PM.
To show you how to broadcast an advert before and/or after a program, let's take an example where we want to broadcast a coffee ad before a morning show and a travel ad just after. This morning show will broadcast every day at 6AM for a week.
To introduce and end your program with adverts, all you need to do is :
1) Upload your 2 adverts to your Media Library > Advert Tray
2) Head over to Scheduling > Programs and create your program. We're going to call our program Morning Show.
3) Click on the Intro/Extro Tab
4) In the Intro field, type the name of the advert that will introduce your program. Here we're going to put "Coffee Ad"
5) In the Extro field, type the name of the advert that will end your program. Here we're going to put "Car Ad"
6) Then click on Add a playlist, which corresponds to what will be played during your Matinale program (apart from the intro and extro). Here, I've chosen to broadcast 4 tracks from my Morning chill playlist, played sequentially. Click on Add.
7) Your program appears, with an intro ad, four tracks from my Morning chill playlist, followed by my latest extro ad.
9) Head over to Scheduling > Programs and click on Add. A window will appear.