Did you record a live show and now want to schedule the recording to broadcast on your radio station? This tutorial is for you!
If you want to know about the various existing softwares to record a radio show, you may find this article helpful.
Add a radio show
Schedule a radio show
Schedule a multi-part radio show
If you don't have an existing radio show to broadcast and you want to follow these steps, you can download these files. They are "fake shows" (which is actually a 1h-long background music) that we will use as examples in this tutorial.
We're going to start by uploading our radio shows to the dedicated "Recording" tray.
To import your radio show to your Library :
1) Head over to the Library Tab of your Radio Manager and click on the Recording tab.
2) Click on the Add Tracks button at the top of the screen
3) Select the file you want to upload and click on Choose. If you want to upload all of the files in your folder, you can select them all by holding down cmd+A on Mac or CTRL+A on Windows.
It is important that your files are in mp3 format and that their size is less than 300 Mb.
Top Tips: If your file is not in mp3 format, we invite you to convert it using an audio conversion software such as Online Audio Converter.
If your file is more than 300 MB it means that it is too large. We invite you, either, to cut it in several parts with a software like Audacity so that you do not to lose the quality, or, to lower its size and thus its quality. To schedule a multi-part show, please read the third part of this tutorial.
We will schedule a radio show for a broadcast on December 18th at 8PM. We are doing the scheduling on the day before, that is on December 17th.
1) Head over to the Scheduling > Breaks tab
2) Click on the Add a break button at the top right of the screen
3) Under General, you can choose the Broadcast time, the Priority and the option of stopping the music. For our example, we will set the broadcast time to 8PM.
4) Under Content > Track, you can search for the radio show you want to schedule. Once it appears on screen, you can select it by clicking.
5) Under Broadcast days, you can choose the day(s) you want your show to be broadcasted. If you want your show to broadcast only once, you'll need to choose the two same dates.
In our example, we're going to select December 18th for a starting date and December 18th again for an ending date.
6) Under Repeat you can choose how many times per day you want your radio show to broadcast. In our example, we aren't going to activate this option because we only want our show to broadcast once.
7) Click on Add
Careful : Now that you have scheduled your show, you need to let your Radio Manager know that you have modified the planning. Head over to Scheduling > Daly Generation, select your show's broadcast day and click on Regenerate Day.
In order to regenerate the current day, your radio station must restart itself.
To learn more more about daily generation, please check this tutorial.
Let's schedule the two-part show "Talk Show" and "Talk Show 2" to broadcast on December 18th at 8PM. We are doing the scheduling on the day before, that is on the December 17th.
1) Add the two parts of the show in your Recording tray as described in the first part of this tutorial.
2) Select the two parts of your radio show inside of the tray and click on Add to playlist. Name the playlist (example: "Talk Show") and click on Add.
3) Head over to the Scheduling > Breaks tab
4) Click on the Add a break button at the top right of the screen
5) Under General, you can choose the Broadcast time, the Priority and the option of stopping the music. For our example, we will set the broadcast time to 8PM.
6) Under Content, select Playlist. Here you can choose the "Talk Show" playlist we created earlier. The Number of tracks corresponds to the number of parts in your radio show. We'll set it to 2.
Finally, select the Sequential option to make sure the parts of your radio show are broadcasted in the same order as in the playlist.
7) Under Broadcast days, you can choose the day(s) you want your show to be broadcasted. If you want your show to broadcast only once, you'll need to choose the two same dates. In our example, we're going to select December 18th for a starting date and December 18th again for an ending date.
If you want to broadcast the same show over multiple days, you can choose a different ending date and select the days of the week you want your show to broadcast on.
8) Under Repeat, you can choose how many times per day you want your radio show to broadcast. In our example, we won't choose this option because we only want our show to broadcast once.
Click on Add
Careful : Now that you have scheduled your show, you need to let your Radio Manager know that you have modified the planning. Head over to Scheduling > Daly Generation, select your show's broadcast day and click on Regenerate Day.
In order to regenerate the current day, your radio station must restart itself.
To learn more more about daily generation, please check this tutorial.