⚠️ For the purpose of this tutorial, we have chosen the News module as an example.
Add Content
Category Management
Content Management
SEO Configuration
Configuring the Module
Head over to Content > News > Add a news
This is where you can add content to your module.
You can then give it a title, add an image and of course, add content.
Don't forget to click on Save.
Some modules offer the possibility to create categories, as is the case for the News, Agenda, Competitions, Page, Team, Programs, Podcast, Music, Artist, Photos, Videos and RSS feed modules.
Creating categories can be useful for classifying your information and making it easier to locate your content.
To add a category click on Add a category,
You can then create a category or sub category by selecting Parent Category.
Don't forget to click on Save to save your content.
In the Category Management menu, you can also modify the position of your categories but also, edit, unpublish or delete them.
Here, you can manage the content that you have added in your modules. Following the same principle as category management, you can edit, unpublish or delete added content.
This is where you can improve your natural referencing. By configuring the title of your categories and menus, you can refine the description of your website to make it more relevant. You can improve the chances of your website appearing in first place in search engines such as Google. In this section, you will be able to add titles, keywords and a short description.
In this module, you will find all the elements related to your module: name, the way it will display your content on the website (how many elements will appear, how they will be organized on your page etc.)
Configure your modules on the Home page
You can also choose certain parameters when you place a module in a block on your homepage via the Home tab.
Now you know everything about how to configure your Modules. If you want to know more about the different modules, head over to the Modules category via the Help Center.
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