The Pages module allows you to add custom content to your Radio Site. You can use this module to add HTML content.
The Page module consists of 5 categories:
Add a Page
Category Management
Page Management
SEO Configuration
Module Configuration
Add a Page
To add a page, navigate to Content > Pages and click on Add a page
Create your page in this section. If you want to publish the newly created page, leave the Publish check box selected. Then give a title, choose the category and add content to your page!
You can add an image or video by clicking Insert and even create a table.
You will also be able to write your page in HTLM by using the Tools > Source Code tab.
Also determine where you want to add your page on the website.
You can choose to create a new category in your menu or add your page to an existing menu.
Click Add to save your page, you will then be redirected to the Pages Management category.
Category Management
You will find the Category Management section under the Categories tab
In this space add and manage the categories of your pages.
Click on Add a category to create a new category.
You will also be able to publish, unpublish or delete a category.
To learn more about managing appointment categories on our Configuring and Managing Your Modules tutorial.
Page Management
In this category you will have the possibility to unpublish, modify or delete a page thanks to the action buttons accessible under the Actions link.
To learn more about managing the Pages module, go to the Configuring and Managing Your Modules tutorial.
SEO Configuration
In this section you will be able to act on your natural referencing.
To learn more about configuring SEO, go to the tutorial Configuring and Managing My Modules.
Module Configuration
It is in this part of the module that you will determine how your items will be displayed on your Radio Site. You can choose to display, for example, the comments of your visitors, the date of publication of your page, etc ...