The Photo Gallery module will allow you to easily share photos with your visitors.
The module consists of 5 categories:
Add A Gallery
Category Management
Gallery Management
SEO Configuration
Module Configuration
You can also configure your module via the Home tab.
To create a gallery, go to Content > Photo galleries > Add a gallery
Here, you can directly add new galleries and enter your gallery information: name, category, description and decide when it will be published. After completing this information, click Save. You will then be automatically redirected to the Gallery Management tab.
Find all the information about category management in the Configure and Manage your Modules tutorial.
Here you can find all the categories you have created and manage them. You will have the possibility to add photos to your gallery by clicking on Manage Photos.
You can also choose to unpublish your gallery or delete it.
Once you click on the Manage Photos link, you will be taken to the page where you can upload your photos. Click the blue Add photos button and simply download the desired photo(s).
You can also resize your photos, give them a name and decide whether to publish them or not.
To learn more about configuring SEO, go to the Configure and Manage your Modules tutorial.
In this category, find and modify all the elements related to your module: its name, the way it will display your content on the site (how many elements will appear, how they will be organized on your page ..)
Configure the Gallery Module via the Home tab
You can also choose certain parameters when you place a module in a block inside your Home tab.
Learn More
How to view my module on my Radio Website.