The music base allows you to modify the cover of tracks broadcast on the Player and the Livefeed. Information about all tracks that have been broadcast can be found in your musical base.
This module consists of 3 sections:
Title Management
Add A Track Title
Module Configuration
This is where all the titles on your radio station are listed. For this, you will need to activate the recovery of tracks on your player. If you want to remove them from your music database, you can also modify or unpublish them.
You can also add a track title directly via this section by clicking on the blue Add button.
You can even empty the music database but be careful when emptying the music database as your track titles will also be deleted from the Titles Broadcast module.
Here you will be able to add a track title to your music database, if you have just added it to your radio station but it has not yet been broadcast.
Enter the name of the track title & artist and click on Automatic Search. You should see the Itunes purchase link and the cover of your track. If it's not the image that you want, you can easily change it and choose an image on your computer. You can also add a short sound bite.
In this section, you'll be able to choose default cover art, this is the image that will be displayed when the music base does not find the cover of your track broadcast. You can also choose to disable the module.
You now know how to manage your music covers, know that these elements will be found in the Broadcast Tracks section.
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