The Agenda module will allow you to easily announce and dispaly upcoming events of the year: concerts, evenings, radio shows etc.
The module is divided into 5 categories:
Add an event
Category Management
Event Management
Configuring SEO
Module configuration
You can also configure your module via the Home tab.
This is where you will fill in all the information about your event; you can add a photo, start date, an address and write a description.
After adding an event, you will be automatically redirected to the Event Management section.
In this space you can create categories for your events and manage them.
Click the blue ADD button to create a category.
To learn more about managing categories, head over to the Configure and Manage My Modules tutorial.
Here, you will have access to all the events that you have created. You can edit, delete or unpublish them. You can also add an event via this space by clicking on the blue ADD button.
To learn more about managing events, head over to the Configure and Manage My Modules tutorial.
This is where you can take action on your natural SEO.
To learn more about SEO configuration, head over to the Configure and Manage My Modules tutorial.
In this part of the module, you will be able to determine which elements will be displayed on your website. You can choose to display, for example, a map, the number of visits, comments or publication date.
When editing a block, select Agenda in the Module field. You can then choose the category that you want to highlight, the title of your block and the items that you want to display.
Don't forget to click on Save, both in Edit Block and at the bottom of the page.
Now you know how to integrate events into your Radio Website.
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