We use different external services to collect the song covers. There are two main reasons that can explain a failed recovery:
• The song in question is not present on the services we use, this can happen for very unknown or non-commercial songs.
• The metadata of your songs are not correctly filled in. To be able to recover the cover we must know both the artist and the title. So, when you consult the song in the Radio Manager's Music Library, make sure that the Title and Artist columns contain the correct information.
Note that you can manually modify the Title and Artist information of your songs and request the retrieval of a new cover, to do this:
1) Go to the Music Library
2) Right-click on the title you want to edit, then click on Edit.
3) In the form that opens, fill in the right title and artist
4) Click on Save.
To request the automatic retrieval of a new cover:
1) Go to the Music Library
2) Right-click on the title you want to edit, then click on Edit.
3) Click on the three small dots to search for a new cover and a purchase link
4) If the artist and title are well informed and the song is present on the services we use, you will then see the right cover.