The first thing you need to do when you get to Radio Manager is to add your first MP3 files. Without music to play, your listeners won't be able to hear anything. Before we show you how to import files, we'll first introduce you to the different trays that will help you organize your Media Library.
Presentation of trays
Add music
The Media Library is separated into various trays to make it easier for you to organize your files. It is essential that these are well organized to avoid errors when it comes to broadcasting.
- Music is the main tray. This is where you will add your music. If you don't schedule anything, the Radio Manager will automatically search for music from this tray and play it randomly as a filler to ensure that something is always broadcasting on your radio station.
Radio identification is the tray for the audio coverage of your antenna. This is where you will add your jingles or your hourly announcements for example. The Radio Manager will never use the content of this tray as fillers.
Recording is the tray for storing your pre-recorded programs or podcasts. The Radio Manager will never use the content of this tray as fillers.
Audio shout-out is the tray for retrieving audio dedications sent by your listeners using the audio shout-out widget available in the Share tab. This feature is only available for Pro & Business offers. The Radio Manager will never use the content of this tray as fillers.
Now that you know the usefulness of all the various trays in the Media Library, it's time for you to add your music. It is important that your files are in mp3 format and that their size is less than 300 Mb.
If you have external media libraries, these are not compatible with our Radio Manager, you must use our integrated media library.
- If your file is not in mp3 format, we invite you to convert it using an audio conversion software such as Online Audio Converter.
- If your file is more than 300 MB it means that it is too large. We invite you, either, to cut it in several parts with a software like Audacity so that you do not to lose the quality, or, to lower its size and thus its quality.
- If you're looking for places to download music, we invite you to take a look at this article on our blog.
- If one of your tracks is already integrated in your Music Library, the Radio Manager will tell you at the time of the download that this music is already present. You can close the download tracking window while importing the files and continue your work on the Radio Manager.
To import your MP3 files to the music library:
1) Head over to the Library Tab.
2) Click on the Add Music button at the top of the screen.
3) Select the files you want to upload and click on Open. If you want to upload all of the files in your folder, you can select them all by holding down cmd+A on Mac or CTRL+A on Windows.
4) Repeat the process until you have added all of your tracks.