If your titles are not displayed correctly, it’s probably because your stream is not configured correctly.
To configure your stream, go to your Mobile App Manager.
If you have a RadioKing stream:
- In the Stream Type field, select RadioKing
- Choose the radio stream that you would like to add
- You can also manually configure your stream with your radio ID which you can find under the Live tab of your Radio Manager. (To clarify, your radio ID = the mount point.)
- Click on Save
If you have a Shoutcast stream:
- In the Stream Type field, select Shoutcast
- Enter the stream of your radio station (if you can’t find your feed, we invite you to contact your radio host directly)
- Click on Save
If you have an Icecast stream:
- In the Stream type field, select Icecast
- Specify the stream of your radio station as well as the mount point (if you can’t find this information, we invite you to contact your radio host directly)
- Click on Save
If you have a Radionomy stream:
- In the Stream Type field, select Radionomy
- Enter the URL of your stream which should look like this: http://listen.radionomy.com/nom-radio
- Fill in your Radio ID (if you can’t find this information, we invite you to contact your radio host directly)
- Click on Save
If you have a Shoutcast V2 or other type of Stream:
- In the field Stream Type, select Other
- Enter the URL of your stream in the URL field MP3 stream (if you can’t find this information, we invite you to contact your radio host directly)
- If you want to activate current track information, don’t forget to provide your current track URL. (For Shoutcast you will find this URL on your Shoutcast page > Current Song)
- Click on Save